Researcher / Accounts Co-Ordinator (Lawyer In Venezuela)

About Edward

Edward Rivas is a trained Lawyer from Venezuela. Before coming to Canada, he was a District Prosecutor in Venezuela, where he worked tirelessly representing women and children who were victims of domestic violence. In addition to his legal studies, Edward holds postgraduate studies in Criminalistics and Criminal Science.

Edward works closely with all lawyers in our firm in areas of Immigration law and civil litigation. Edwards is also the firm's account's coordinator.  Edward's engaging enthusiasm makes it easy for him to connect with clients. His calming and compassionate personality puts clients at ease when they are experiencing difficult periods of time.  Edward is highly organized and passionate team member of our firm, his energy an orientation to details are outstanding, and our clients love his ability to always listen and give a hand when needed.

Edward works with all lawyers in our firm and law clerks to ensure the best results for our clients. His experience in variety areas permit him to give a creative perspective on special cases, especially those involving individual fleeing from violence situation, be domestic or not that may require creative solutions.

Outside of work, Edward enjoys arts and volunteers his time to work with those in vulnerable populations to improve their living conditions, Ottawa Blues Festivals and Newcomers to Canada. Edward also loves spending his time with his beautiful family and friends.

Edward can be reached at :